My future

Hello again! 

Today I tell you about my major. As I said in the blog past I study Biochemistry in the "U. de Chile".

I decided study this major because I want to be able to have the necessary tools to do something that improves the environment and does not keep getting worse, also I believe that is a very good shape of contribute to the society.

The Biochemistry is  important , because study the process biologic of the being alive and search a solution as "from the base of the problem", I believe that this same is what makes it special,  besides that you can work in several areas , as the medicine, environmental, agronomy , etc. I like this a lot because I´m not so sure of getting into the environmental area and this gives me the power of choice as I advance in my major, taking into account that I only go in the third semester and I have many more .

That is all !! good bye !


  1. Oh! I hope that in the future we may be colleagues!

  2. Great blog! why do you like the environmental area?

  3. The area of the environment pollution are so great!


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